Coming from PhpStorm (a full-featured IDE), I felt that Sublime Text was missing a few useful features. Luckily, one of the great things about Sublime is that it can be easily extended with plugins and packages. Perhaps the most useful package for Sublime is Sublime Package Control, which allows you to easily install and manage packages (it can even uninstall itself - über meta).
Below are some Sublime Text packages that I have found to be useful for web development.
- All Autocomplete extends the Sublime Text autocompletion to find matches in all open files.
- ApacheConf.tmLanguage provides ApacheConf syntax highlighting (for .htaccess, vhosts, etc).
- DocBlockr simplifies and automates writing DocBlock comments in many languages including PHP and JavaScript.
- Sass and LESS both provide syntax highlighting for the Sass and LESS dynamic stylesheet languages. Compass also provides a watch/build system for Sass.
- SideBarEnhancements provides many useful enhancements to the default Sublime Text sidebar, including Copy Path and Open With…
- SublimeCodeIntel is a full-featured code intelligence engine that provides smart autocomplete and jump-to-symbol functionality.
- SublimeLinter automatically runs your code through a linter and highlights lines that it deems to contain (potential) errors. SublimeLinter has built-in linters for most popular languages.